
Cotton Pickers

S-au înființat în 2004, la Mladenovac, Serbia, cu numele inițial de „Unregistered Feedback”, schimbat ulterior în cel actual COTTON PICKERS.

Cu Jovan Stepic la chitară/voce, Ivan Stepic la bas și Uros Ugrinovic la tobe, au scos albumul de debut numit „SLAUGHTER HOUSE BLUES”, care includea zece piese lansate de Long Play Records.pentru care au primit premiul  pentru cel mai bun album de debut din 2012, la Radio Belgrad 202.

Începând cu 2010, trupa participă la numeroase festivaluri, cele mai importante fiind:

Crossroads Blues Festival with Raphael Wressnig and Deitra Farr (USA), Blues Festival with Norman Biker (UK), Blues Festival with Carvin Jones Band (USA), Blues Festival with My Baby (NL), Blues Festival with Delta Moon (USA), Wires Blues & Rock Festival with Bernard Allison (USA), dar și în Serbia – Dom Omladine Belgrade 2013,2015 și 2016,  Mixer Festival with Ana Popović, Mixer House Belgrade 2017.

Al doilea album al celor de la COTTON PICKERS este în lucru, va conține opt piese și va apare la sfârșitul anului acesta.

COTTON PICKERS vor concerta la Open Air Blues in the garden, Dărmănești jazz blues festival, pe 28 august 2022.

They were founded in 2004 in Mladenovac, Serbia, with the original name „Unregistered Feedback”, later changed to the current COTTON PICKERS. With Jovan Stepic on guitar / vocals, Ivan Stepic on bass and Uros Ugrinovic on drums, they released their debut album called „SLAUGHTER HOUSE BLUES”, which included ten tracks released by Long Play Records. For which they received the award for best album debut in 2012 on Radio Belgrade 202. Since 2010, the band participates in numerous festivals, the most important being: Crossroads Blues Festival with Raphael Wressnig and Deitra Farr (USA), Blues Festival with Norman Biker (UK), Blues Festival with Carvin Jones Band (USA), Blues Festival with My Baby (NL), Blues Festival with Delta Moon (USA), Wires Blues & Rock Festival with Bernard Allison (USA), but also in Serbia – Dom Omladine Belgrade 2013, 2015 and 2016, Mixer Festival with Ana Popović, Mixer House Belgrade 2017. COTTON PICKERS ‘second album is in the works, will contain eight tracks and will be released at the end of this year.

COTTON PICKERS will perform at the Open Air Blues in the garden, Dărmănești jazz blues festival, on August 28, 2022.