Fertila scena muzicală din Detroit a contribuit întotdeauna major la muzica blues, soul și toate combinațiile dintre ambele. Clara Smith, Sippie Wallace și Alberta Adams au pus bazele, urmate de Aretha Franklin. Dar lumea ar fi bine să facă loc pe listă pentru JJ Thames, o artistă din ce în ce mai prezentă atât pe scenele din US cât și pe cele din Europa.
Deși este supranumită Mississippi Blues Diva, JJ Thames, fiica unui muncitor de la General Motors, este o artistă din Detroit, cu o voce deosebită. Ea a început să cânte din copilărie și a lucrat pentru Outlaw Nation Fishbone, The Beat, Bad Brains și Slightly Stoopid, sau împreună cu Marvin Sease, Bobby Blue Bland, Peggy Scott Adams, Denise LaSalle și Willie Clayton .
The Detroit Free Press: ”… she’s a wonderful storyteller and her vocals are consistently breathtaking”
„The first thing that hits you is that this Woman can Sing, and she can also belt it out, and she knows right when to pull it back a bit. Do you want Blues? Soul? Gospel? R & B? She has it all and a powerful voice that can rival just about anyone else around. „- Bob Gottlieb, The Journal of roots music – No depression
Detroit’s fertile music scene has always been a major contributor to blues, soul, and all combinations of the two. Clara Smith, Sippie Wallace and Alberta Adams laid the foundation, followed by Aretha Franklin. But the world would do well to make room on the list for JJ Thames, an artist who is increasingly present on both the US and European stages.
Although she’s dubbed the Mississippi Blues Diva, JJ Thames is a Detroit artist with a distinctive voice, the daughter of a General Motors worker. She began singing at a young age and worked for Outlaw Nation Fishbone, The Beat, Bad Brains and Slightly Stoopid, or with Marvin Sease, Bobby Blue Bland, Peggy Scott Adams, Denise LaSalle and Willie Clayton.
The Detroit Free Press: „… she’s a wonderful storyteller and her vocals are consistently breathtaking”
„The first thing that hits you is that this Woman can Sing, and she can also belt it out, and she knows right when to pull it back a bit. Do you want Blues? Soul? Gospel? R & B? She has it all and a powerful voice that can rival just about anyone else around.” – Bob Gottlieb The Journal of roots music – No depression ”